Breathing Newsbots

Generative Net-Based Installation

In Breathing Newsbots the latest news from the internet are automatically processed, analysed and projected onto large, transparent and fragile-looking balloons. The process is automated: There is no editorial team behind the selection of content, which is reproduced in a seemingly random sequence in the form of live TV streams, live radio streams, webcam images and text-based headlines, but solely the criterion of what is new. An allegory of news: fleetingly, ephemeral, a glimpse of what has happened, impossible to show the whole picture, a flood of videos, headlines, images and sounds.

Breathing Newsbots is future-oriented. Which topic, in which language, from which continent or from which culture a contribution comes is no longer relevant. The selection is based on the criterion of news. In the background, there are no journalists as gatekeepers deciding what is broadcast and what is not, nor is there a multi-headed media company, but only the software maintained by Marc Lee.

Breathing Newsbots at Le CArTe, Lausanne

Breathing Newsbots at Dock18, Zürich