4 Question & Pairs
Ada Ranga Mandira, Bengaluru, IndiaSolo show

Ada Ranga Mandira, Bangalore

Ada Ranga Mandira, Bangalore

Ada Ranga Mandira, Bangalore
Exhibited Artwork
4 Questions
Single-Channel Video, 10:30'4 Questions is a montage of interviews whereby 68 people from unprivileged areas of Bangalore are asked to answer four simple questions in front of their house. The three first ones - What is your name? How old are you? and What is your mother tongue? - lead the subjects to 'define' themselves through parameters they have 'inherited' by birth. The last question, however, What is important more …

Ada Ranga Mandira, Bangalore

Ada Ranga Mandira, Bangalore

Ada Ranga Mandira, Bangalore
Site-Specific Software ArtPairs is an album made of pairs of photographs of the same scene shot at a few seconds of interval. The images are cropped randomly by a software the artist wrote for this project and only five percent of these high-resolution photographs are shown each time. Every viewing being different, it draws the attention of the viewer to a different detail of the same photograph. The random framing allows more …

Organhaus, Chongqing

Organhaus, Chongqing

Ada Ranga Mandira, Bangalore