A Whale That Grew up in a Bathtub

Sechseinhalb, Zurich, Switzerland
Curator: Mischa Camenzind, Philipp Ehgartne
07.09.2018 - 22.09.2018

Exhibited Artwork

Nonplace – the Age of the Novacene

360° Mobile VR App

The 360° media art mobile VR app Nonplace – the Age of the Novacene investigates the relationship between humans and nature in the Novocene[1] era. Nonplace – the Age of the Novacene deals with the loss of identities through technological progress and globalisation and poses the question of what it means when cities, shopping centres, everyday objects, etc. become more and more similar. In more …

Me, Myself & I

Mobile App as Interface for Interactive Installations

Me, Myself & I questions egocentrism and narcissism as widespread contemporary phenomena and their most popular, in-famous declination: the selfie culture. The digital era emphasizes the individual, who are seen more and more at the center of society, rather than being part of it. With Me, Myself & I, you virtually float over urban cityscapes in love with yourself and become an egocentric superstar more …