Buzzocrazy! PIKSEL18
SKUR14, Bergen, NorwayCurator: Gisle Frøysland and Maite Cajaraville
Artists: Antonio Roberts (UK), Gabin Cortez Chance (US), Gisle Frøysland (NO), Marc Lee (CH), Björk Viggósdóttir (IS), Wolfgang Spahn (DE/AT), Antonio Della Marina (IT), Osvaldo Cibils (UR), Bioni Samp (Live Electronics) (UK), Camilla Vatne Barratt-due(NO), Ann Edvartsen (NO)
22.11.2018 - 24.11.2018 Artwork
Political Campaigns - Battle of Opinion on Social Media
Interactive Net-Based TV ShowIn recent months in Political Campaigns all over the world, the supporters of opposing parties have engaged in fiercely waged wars of images on social media. Elections have also long since ceased to be won on the street or in the traditional media— social networks have become the digital marketplace for political disputation. A new version of Marc Lee’s TV Bot (2004), filters the latest Twitter more …

Port25, Mannheim

Fotomuseum, Winterthur

Paradeplatz, Mannheim