C(h)roma Show
gallery SKE, Bangalore, IndiaCurator: Marialaura Ghidini and Tara Kelton
Artists: Adam Asnan / Gilles Aubry / Prerna Bishoi, Namrata Mehta and Sindhu Thirumalaisamy / Atul Bhalla / Charles Broskoski / curatingYouTube / Benedict Drew / Constant Dullaart / Harm van den Dorpel / Alyse Emdur / Nihaal Faizal / Jamie George / Richard Healy / Fabienne Hess / Oliver Husain / IOCOSE / Pooja Iranna / Candice Jacobs / Shreyasi Kar / Tara Kelton / Lindsay Lawson / Marc Lee / Gil Leung / Michael Takeo Magruder / Rosa Menkman / Misery Connoisseur / Pramod Pati / Lucy Pawlak / Sreshta Rit Premnath / Sebastian Schmieg / Annalisa Sonzogni / Mariam Suhail / Evan Roth / Sindhu Thirumalaisamy / Penelope Umbrico / Avinash Veeraraghavan / Asim Waqif / YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES / Carlo Zanni
Exhibited Artwork
TV Bot - World News as Soon as It Happens!
Network-Based Television Program, Net ArtThe net art project TV Bot is an Internet news channel which only broadcasts brand-new stories. Never more than an hour old, they are scooped from the Internet’s news flux, reformatted for a browser and given a URL. The process is automated, with no editorial hand behind the content selection which is reproduced in apparently random order as live TV streams, live radio streams, webcam images more …

TV Bot 1.0 (2004)

TV Bot 2.0 (2010)

TV Bot 3.0 (2016)