Démodé - STIFF 2023
Galerija SKC, Rijeka, CroatiaCurator: STIFF Team
Artists: Valentin Fedorov (RU), Pauline Blanchet (FR/MK), Aino Kontinen (FI), Nicole Kouts (BR), Terry Cole (US), Clara Pallí Monguilod (ES/NL), Anxious to Make (US), Kemil Bekteši (RS), Jelena Kovačev and Jelena Petrić (HR), Petra Mrša (HR), Gabriel Hensche (DE), Marc Lee (CH)

SKC Gallery, Rijeka
The Démodé exhibition at the SKC brings together works that deal with the theme of transience and change over the past decade and raises some questions that have become more and more prominent over the years. Through various audiovisual formats and perspectives, the authors talk about global, but also intimate changes that followed the growth and development of communication and information technologies, climate crises, wars and other changes in social practices driven by the capitalist system. Contrasting the lack of presence in the moment and the overload of work with the appeal to emerge from the virtual reality, the artists through deeply intimate displays and social overviews question the past and present actions that have led us to the current state, while at the same time wondering about the future.
The global processes of the last decade are shaping the life of the individual and social reality. Although thinking about the dizzying passage of time awakens the awareness of our own transience and responsibility towards the future, which may not seem brighter than the already gloomy present, through their pieces the artists give us the feeling that we are not alone, saying that our human experience in today's individualized world is more collective than what we sometimes think. What we need is to be an active spectator, and therefore a potential actor in positive changes for the positive progress, in addition to the fact that the only constant item is precisely the change itself.
Anamarija Šepl, Lucia Marcan, Lucija Kolovrat, Tina Tus, Ema Puceković, Katarina Erak, Toni Buškulić
In celebration of the tenth year of the festival, the exhibition program researches the past decade. The selection is carried out by students of the University of Rijeka: Katarina Erak, Ema Puceković, Toni Buškulić, Dominik Višnjić, Katarina Kožul. The curatorial team that developed the exhibition narrative consists of students of art history, medicine, psychology and cultural studies: Anamarija Šepl, Lucia Marcan, Lucija Kolovrat, Tina Tus, Ema Puceković, Katarina Erak and Toni Buškulić. The exhibition program is developed as a part of the Paspartu curatorial practice workshop, which invites students from the University of Rijeka to design and set up the exhibition and implement accompanying programs under the mentorship of the curator Elena Apostolovski and artist Damjan Šporčić.
Catalogue, STIFF, SKC Gallery, Rijeka
Exhibited Artwork
Used to Be My Home Too
Real-time cartographyThis experiment shows photos of animals, fungi and plants that are uploaded right now by unknown users to iNaturalist.org via mobile phone. On Google Earth, these are mapped at the exact location where they were photographed. In addition, taxonomically similar species that occurred in the same country and became extinct within the last 30 years are automatically added in real time via RedList.org. Used more …

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