HMKV Video of the Month - Marc Lee: Corona TV Bot
Hartware Medien Kunst Verein, Dortmund, GermanyCurator: Inke Arns

Screenshot COVID-19
What are your New Year's resolutions for 2021? More art, less corona news? How about art made from corona news? For the first time, the "HMKV Video of the Month" is not a video, but a LIVE-GENERATED TV SHOW! In the "Corona TV Bot", Swiss artist Marc Lee weaves the latest Twitter and Youtube messages into a wild global TV show in real time. Immensely helpful for breaking out of one's own filter bubble. On view until January 31st!
The Corona TV Bot thematises and reflects the Corona pandemic through social media posts. The latest Twitter and YouTube messages are interwoven with hashtags such as #coronavirus and #COVID-19 to create a wild TV show, online 24/7. Images, tweets and videos flicker across the screen in real time in this net art project. Time-based resources that aggregate both global professional broadcasts and entirely private content posted by individuals on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
While we, as users of social networks, are only ever reflected variants of our own opinions, the Corona TV Bot confronts us with a view beyond the boundaries of these echo chambers. All posts worldwide are picked up on the basis of hashtags. Only the criterion of topicality counts. (ML)
Exhibited Artwork
New Media Art Reflects the Coronavirus Pandemic, 24/7 Online
Interactive Net-Based InstallationCorona TV Bot The Corona TV Bot addresses and reflects the coronavirus pandemic through social media posts. Using hashtags such as Coronavirus and COVID-19, the latest Twitter and YouTube news is woven into a wild 24/7 online TV show. Images, tweets and videos flicker across the screen in real time in this net art project. Time-based resources that combine both global professional broadcasts and more …

Railway Station, St. Moritz

C/O Berlin Foundation, Berlin

re:publica campus, Berlin