Spheres, Zurich, SwitzerlandCurator: Philipp Probst
Solo show

sphères, Zurich

sphères, Zurich
Launch and German language premiere: At Zurich’s “sphères” Marc Lee and Markus Kirchhofer presented their app “MEHR UND LESS” for the first time.
Bettina Spoerri, Nina Röhrs and Martin Miguel Schuck responded to the app with short presentations. Afterwards they discussed with the app makers and the audience, moderated by Urs Heinz Aerni
Exhibited Artwork
MORE AND LESS - flying through a three-dimensional Book
Mobile App as Interface for Net-Based InstallationsA project by Markus Kirchhofer, Shervin Saremi and Marc Lee Since a couple of years, for the first time, more people live in urban than in rural areas. Within the 21st century, more than ten billion people will inhabit the earth. People need more space, animal habitats are being threatened, several species are becoming extinct. How do we deal with this constellation? Since 1950, the urban more …

Screenshot MORE AND LESS

Motorenhalle, Dresden

HEK, Basel