News iˈm Lovin it
Foyer of the Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich, SwitzerlandSolo show

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich
Exhibited Artwork TV - Be the First to Know!
Worldwide first interactive news TV TV - Be the First to Know! is the worldwide first interactive news TV channel. At the touch of a button, current TV news programmes on topics of your choice are shown. Using individual search queries with a special TV remote control, you can determine what is currently being shown on TV and receive a customised news programme. In a second step, the current TV programme can be thematically more …

ZKM Media Museum, Karlsruhe

Ars Electronica, Linz

NGBK, Berlin
NEWS, I'm Lovin' It
Media Installation, LIVE TV NEWSTV news channels, artificial, sensational and seductive, that's how they appear. With breaking news, they vie for the viewers' favour. Superficial glamour makes the channels entertaining. Images and sound are reminiscent of music programmes. Infotainment. On NEWS, I'm lovin' it, five news channels broadcast their breaking news at the same time. The sound mixes into a mushy background noise. NEWS more …

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich

Swiss TV (SRF), Zurich