Zenith Media Lounge, New Museum, New YorkCurator: Jenny Marketou, Steve Dietz, Anne Barlow
Artists: Cue P. Doll, Harun Farocki, Knowbotic Research, LAN, r a d i o q u a l i a, RSG, Superflex, Surveillance Camera Players, Tenantspin, Josh On

New Museum, New York

New Museum, New York
NEW YORK.- The New Museum of Contemporary Art presents Open_Source_Art_Hack, a group exhibition that explores hacking practices, open source ethics, and cultural production, from May 3 - June 30, 2002 in the Zenith Media Lounge. The exhibition and related public programs will include a performance and walking tours by the Surveillance Camera Players; an installation by Knowbotic Research; a Free Radio Linux broadcast by r a d i o q u a l i a; a databody cloning project by LAN; a DVD by Harun Farocki; an anti-war game by futurefarmers’ Josh On; a packet-sniffing application by RSG; an "ad-busting" project by Cue P. Doll; and a streaming media workshop with Superflex and Tenantspin.
Open_Source_Art_Hack features artists and collectives who explore the free access to, and distribution of, software code known as Open Source. In addition to a shared culture, the artists in this show use common tools-such as search engines, web browsers, identification systems, sound interfaces, and Internet protocols-that enable their work to be distributed, and, in some cases, adapted by other users.
Though hacking has many, mostly negative, connotations in mainstream culture, the artists in Open_Source_Art_Hack approach hacking as a creative electronic tool to examine institutional, governmental, and corporate influence on identity and privacy in contemporary culture.
Open_Source_Art_Hack was organized by Steve Dietz, Curator of New Media, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and Jenny Marketou, a New York-based new media artist, in collaboration with Anne Barlow, Curator of Education and Media Programs, New Museum of Contemporary Art.
Exhibited Artwork
Tracenoizer - Disinformation on Demand
Online ProjectTraceNoizer – Disinformation on Demand generates clones from your databody in order to disinform those, who are spying on you. TraceNoizer is a webbased search, analysis and home-page publication system. What is TraceNoizer? TraceNoizer calls attention to the issue of electronic surveillance on the Internet and as a service offers a strategy to counter it. There is information about most more …

Transmediale, Berlin

New Museum, New York

New Museum, New York