Shanghai, International Art Fairs, Shanghai
Curator: 孙佳倩 Jessica Sun, 安娜 Anna An
Artists: 0

10.000 moving cities - same but different - PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai


10.000 moving cities - same but different - PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai


10.000 moving cities - same but different - PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai


Exhibited Artwork

10.000 Moving Cities - Same but Different, Real Cubes

Interactive Net-Based Installation

10.000 Moving Cities – Same but Different focuses on how places are constantly changing and cities are becoming more and more similar. Places are emerging that could be anywhere in the world without a real local identity. This process is accelerated by technological progress, fast means of transport and communication, and the Internet. Visitors can select any city or location via a digital interface. more …

10.000 Moving Cities - Same but Different, Offline Version

Interactive Multi Screen Installation

10.000 Moving Cities - Same but Different explores globalisation, cities and ‘non-places’. Visitors can select 21 different cities on a touchscreen. For each city, 13 videos are played synchronously on large LED screens. The videos show screen recordings from the virtual reality application 10.000 Moving Cities – Same but Different, VR Visitors discover local, cultural and linguistic differences more …