PIKSEL Festival 2021
BEK - the Bergen Centre for Electronic Art, Bergen, NorwayCurator: Gisle Frøysland & Maite Cajaraville
Artists: Alan M Jackson & Tom Daley, Guely Morató Loredo & Victor Mazón, Macalla & Shane Finan, Shane Finan, Max Alyokhin, Ali Akbar Mehta, Sandrine Deumier, Marc Lee
18.11.2021 - 21.11.2021
https://21.piksel.no/tag/marc-lee/Exhibited Artwork
Used to Be My Home Too
Real-time cartographyThis experiment shows photos of animals, fungi and plants that are uploaded right now by unknown users to iNaturalist.org via mobile phone. On Google Earth, these are mapped at the exact location where they were photographed. In addition, taxonomically similar species that occurred in the same country and became extinct within the last 30 years are automatically added in real time via RedList.org. Used more …

CAFA Art Museum, Beijing

Digital Arts Festival, Athens

OnCurating Project Space, Zurich