Realtime stories

Aktionshalle, roten Fabrik Zurich, Switzerland

Solo show

Realtime stories - mapping the free flow of information around the world in realtime - Aktionshalle Zürich

Aktionshalle, Zurich

Realtime stories - mapping the free flow of information around the world in realtime - Aktionshalle Zürich

Aktionshalle, Zurich

Realtime stories - mapping the free flow of information around the world in realtime - Aktionshalle Zürich

Aktionshalle, Zurich

Exhibited Artwork

Realtime Stories - Mapping the Free Flow of Information Around the World in Realtime

Generative Net-Based Installation

Realtime Stories - Mapping the Free Flow of Information Around the World in Realtime is a net-based installation consisting of four large wall-sized projections and eight audio channels. You can see and hear what is happening in the world right now. What is on people's minds at the moment. How different lives are being lived simultaneously. An endless flow of countless stories. You become an observer more …


Exhibition visitors watching Realtime Stories projected on large walls

Realtime Stories - 21st Century Digital Art
21st Century Digital Art


What if we could see the world-wide information that is uploaded to social media in realtime? What would we learn about each other, ourselves, and what would we get from the experience?