Shift Electronic Arts Festival
Shift, Basel, SwitzerlandCurator: Anette Schindler

Shift Festival, Basel

Shift Festival, Basel
We are all actually already in the thick of it for nothing quite affects our everyday lives as fundamentally as electronics. In this digital era the new media accompany us at every turn: at work, in our leisure time, in our communication, in the arts and cultural life.
Shift addresses this phenomenon. The festival offers precise, unexpected, informative and exciting insights into the multifaceted and dynamic field of electronic arts and culture. Shift sees itself as an emphatically interdisciplinary occasion, as an international festival of transmedial production and intermediality – in full awareness of the fact that the classical boundaries of artistic and scientific disciplines are now obsolete.
Marc Lee
Breaking The News – Be a News-Jockey, 2007
interactive installation
People watching news broadcasts generally assume that what they see is based on fact. Access to information is however influenced by a diverse range of vested interests. “News Jockey” illustrates and subverts this situation and makes it possible for viewers to manipulate the news.
Exhibited Artwork
Breaking the News - Be a News-Jockey
Interactive Net-Based Multi Screen InstallationJust tell us a headline or your favourite words, and we'll create a modifiable streaming news-station for you. Breaking The News is an interactive installation, transmitting in real-time information from the internet. The user becomes a live performer, a News-Jockey. Play Video: Breaking the News - Be a News-Jockey Background Friends ask: Could you help me to cook up more …

Santralistanbul, Istanbul

Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai

Dock18, Zurich