Swissnex San Francisco
Swiss Consulate at Pier 17, San Francisco, USACurator: Meg Shiffler
Artists: Flavia Leuenberger Ceppi, Marc Lee
14.10.2022 - 11.11.2022 Artwork
Used to Be My Home Too
Real-time cartographyThis experiment shows photos of animals, fungi and plants that are uploaded right now by unknown users to via mobile phone. On Google Earth, these are mapped at the exact location where they were photographed. In addition, taxonomically similar species that occurred in the same country and became extinct within the last 30 years are automatically added in real time via Used more …

CAFA Art Museum, Beijing

Digital Arts Festival, Athens

OnCurating Project Space, Zurich

Capturing Human’s Impact on Biodiversity through Citizen Science, Swissnex San Francisco
Meg Shiffler, PDF
Swissnex in San Francisco is pleased to present Swiss artist Marc Lee’s project Used to Be My Home Too as a key part of a series of programs and events highlighting Ticino, the Italian speaking canton of Switzerland, organized by the Consulate General of Switzerland and in parallel to the Italian Language Week this October in San Francisco.
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