Farmhouse Nørager, Nees, Denmark
Curator: Amanda KM & Eto Otitigbe
Artists: Lone Aburas & Mo Maja Moesgaard (DK), Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes (USA), Sonia Barrett (JA/GB), Gian Cruz & Claire Villacorta (PH), Mo Al Dee (EG), Yasmine El Meleegy (EG), Will Hurt (GB), Marc Lee (CH), Arjen de Leeuw (NL), Astrid Menze (DE), Eto Otitigbe (NG/USA), Mauricio Sáenz (MX), Mayan Shay & Tal Stadler (IL), Marcella Vanzo (IT)
01.09.2017 - 10.09.2017

Exhibited Artwork

Pic-Me - Fly to the Locations Where Users Send Posts

Online Project for Interactive Media Art Installations

With Pic-Me you can virtually fly to the locations from where users send posts to Instagram. On Google Earth, these are mapped at the exact location where they were photographed. One might describe these posts – images or short videos accompanied by comments, tags and geolocalisation – as a kind of digital small talk or personal conversation. Different than face to face conversations, these more …