Update and NTAA: Selected works

TICK TACK, Antwerp, Netherlands
Curator: Zebrastraat
Artists: Erki De Vries, Greg Marshall, Marc Lee
19.04.2021 - 06.05.2021

Selfie in front of Milano - But first, let me take a selfie

Pic-me V1

Ghent-based international art space Zebrastraat plays a pivotal role in the research and promotion of contemporary art, with a strong emphasis on the interaction between technological and artistic research. To exhibit this ongoing practice, Zebrastraat established the Update Biennial in 2005.

The Update Biennial’s mission was to expand the scope of contemporary artistic creations and traditional media with works using contemporary and new technologies in an original and intelligent way: treatment of sounds and light, use of new media, application of innovative evolutions in communications, telecommunications and broadcasting, centered on the world of information, communication, computers and interaction.

Over the years the Update Biennial was paired with the New Technological Art Award (NTAA). NTAA selects and presents creations in which the culture-forming role of technology occupies a central place. Low or high tech, intuitive or experimental, the creations always draw our attention to actual innovative trends.

For the presentation at CINEMA TICK TACK, Zebrastraat selected 3 works that span the period from Update Biennial (2005) to NTAA (2019)

Exhibited Artwork

Pic-Me - Fly to the Locations Where Users Send Posts

Online Project for Interactive Media Art Installations

With Pic-Me you can virtually fly to the locations from where users send posts to Instagram. On Google Earth, these are mapped at the exact location where they were photographed. One might describe these posts – images or short videos accompanied by comments, tags and geolocalisation – as a kind of digital small talk or personal conversation. Different than face to face conversations, these more …