Publication New Gameplay, Nam June Paik Art Center, Book

New Gameplay - Nam June Paik Art Center
Nam June Paik Art Center, SeoulBook softcover, 335 pages
English, 한국 (Korean)
Jinsuk Suh
ISBN: 978-89-971283-3-4 (93600), CIP: 2017002824 New Gameplay, NJP ARTCENTER (PDF)
Table of Contents
Foreword - Jinsuk Suh
Development Needs Subversion: Strategie s in Art and Gameplay - Bernhard Serexhe
The Politicizati on of Videogames? From creati ve subversion of technology to explicit political signifiers - Stephan Schwingeler
Interview: Conversations with Artists - Hyejin Park
Homage a Nam June Paik, Media Art in the Context of Games, Hacking/Modifying Technology, Urban Play, Society and Games, Games and Apps
뉴 게임플레이
서문 - 서진석
발전에는 전복이 필요하다: 미술과 게임의 전략들 - 베른하르트 제렉세
비디오 게임의 정치화 ? 기술의 창조적 전복에서 명백한 정치적 기표까지 - 슈테판 슈빙글러
인터뷰: 참여작가와의 대화 - 박혜진
백남준에 대한 경의
게임의 맥락에서 본 미디어 아트
해킹/테크놀로지의 변형
어반 플레이
게임과 사회
게임과 앱
Bernhard Serexhe, Stephan Schwingeler, Hyejin Park
Artists (34) (45 works)
Gold Extra, Niklas Roy, Thatgamecompany, Dejobaan Games, Rafaël Rozendaal, London Studio & Sony Computer Entertainment, Lea Schönfelder & Peter Lu, Lucas Pope, Mario von Rickenbach, Mikengreg , Marc Lee , Nam June Paik , Vector Park, Bill Viola, USC Game Innovation Lab, Ah Keung & Awesapp, Atari, Anna Anthropy, Alan Kwan, Everyware, Jens M. Stober, Orhan Kipcak & Reinhard Urban, Zachary Libermann & Golan Lewin, Jeffrey Shaw, JODI, KIT (The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Christoph Niemann, Kiyoshi Furukawa & Masaki Fujihata & Wolfgang Münch, Kiyoshi Furukawa & Wolfgang Münch, Molleindustria, Paidia Institute, Feng Mengbo , Peter Brinson & Kurosh ValaNejad, 11 Bit Studios
Organized and Hosted by Nam June Paik Art Center,
Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation
In Cooperation with ZKM, Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe 주한독일문화원, Goethe Institut
For twenty years, various forms of artistic, experimental, media-reflective as well as ‘serious’ types of computer games have been developed. New strategies in gaming are based on artistic research in the growing fields of audio-visual media. Computer games reflect and analyze the function and structure of our societies.
The exhibition New Gameplay is comprised of six sections, presenting works of game art ranging from art that has computer games as its subject to computer games designed by artists. Classic media art and video games will also be a part of this engaging dialogue.
The section ‘Homage à Nam June Paik’ reflects on specific works and strategies created by the Korean father of Video Art and analyze them in juxtaposition with works of JODI, the artist couple who presents non-object games by transferring violent ego-shooter into abstract forms.
The ‘Media Art in the Context of Games’ section includes The Night Journey by media artist Bill Viola who translates video aesthetics into the interactive form of a computer game. Chinese artist Feng Mengbo is represented by his work Long March: Restart, a sixteen-meter long satirizing jump and run of the heroic myth of the Long March of the Communist Party of China’s Red Army. Media art pioneer Jeffrey Shaw’s The Legible City also demonstrates the utilization of gaming formats in the field of art. The ‘Hacking/Modifying Technology’ section reflects on Paik’s role as a forerunner of interactive art.
One area of focus is dedicated to independent and serious games, which have distinguished themselves by their particularly innovative game ideas, interesting experimental claims, and unique consciousness of their own means and forms of expression. Categorized as ‘Society and Games’, these works aim to enhance and train the users’ awareness of political structures and processes in their daily lives.
The ‘Urban Play’ section demonstrates the virtualization of the urban landscape that uses latest developments in 3D-modelling and high-resolution immersive environments. The ‘Games and Apps’ section presents fun mobile games for young visitors.
Exhibited Artwork
10.000 Moving Cities - Same but Different, VR (Virtual Reality)
Interactive Net- and Telepresence-Based Installation


HEK, Basel