Stormy Weather. Verlag für moderne Kunst, Book

Stormy Weather
Verlag für moderne KunstBook, color, 72 pages, 21 x 15 cm
English, French
by Katharina Brandl, Claire Hoffmann
ISBN 978-3903796157, (PDF)
The metaphor and the reality of the 'cloud' are omnipresent in our daily lives. It is not only the place where data are stored but also-by cloud computing, cloud gaming, or cloud streaming-the place where the central functions of computational power and auto-learning artificial intelligence have migrated to. The cloud is not a storage folder-it is our super brain. The exhibition project "Stormy Weather" questions the relationship between the human-made clouds of our present to humans, climate and politics.
Curated: Katharina Brandl & Claire Hoffmann
Artists: Fragmentin (Laura Perrenoud, David Colombini und Marc Dubois), Total Refusal (Robin Klengel, Leonhard Müllner and Michael Stumpf), Stefan Karrer, Till Langschied, Yein Lee, Marc Lee, Susanna Flock & Leonhard Müllner, Christiane Peschek, Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud
Exhibited Artwork
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