Speculative Species

In Speculative Evolution, we envisioned how species could be further developed to increase their resilience based on scientific publications on synthetic biology, genetic engineering and robotics, and formulated text prompts to create AI-generated images using DALL-E. As a result, each speculative species in the environment has a backstory rooted in real-life scenarios.

2015trans-species head transplant accomplished in worms
Laboratory research by Tufts University, 2015
2054genetically modified to be high in protein and enhance soil quality by plowing

Lineage of the 16 species from a total of 22

    • Flatworm, Species 43-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (43-1)
      • Flatworm, Species 43-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (43-1-1)
    • Flatworm, Species 43-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (43-2)
      • Flatworm, Species 43-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (43-2-1)
        • Flatworm, Species 43-2-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (43-2-1-1)
          • Flatworm, Species 43-2-1-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (43-2-1-1-1)
    • Flatworm, Species 43-3Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (43-3)
      • Flatworm, Species 43-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (43-3-1)
        • Flatworm, Species 43-3-1-1Huawei CRT-L33, Android 12, , Colombia (43-3-1-1)
          • Flatworm, Species 43-3-1-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (43-3-1-1-1)
      • Flatworm, Species 43-3-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (43-3-2)
    • Flatworm, Species 43-5Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (43-5)
      • Flatworm, Species 43-5-1, Android 13, , China (43-5-1)
    • Flatworm, Species 43-7, Android 9, London, Canada (43-7)
      • Flatworm, Species 43-7-1, Android 9, London, Canada (43-7-1)
        • Flatworm, Species 43-7-1-1, Android 10, Serra, Brazil (43-7-1-1)

Gap Junctional Blockade Stochastically Induces Different Species-Specific Head Anatomies in Genetically Wild-Type Girardia dorotocephala Flatworms

Emmons-Bell et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16, 27865-27896. doi:10.3390/ijms161126065


The shape of an animal body plan is constructed from protein components encoded by the genome. However, bioelectric networks composed of many cell types have their own intrinsic dynamics, and can drive distinct morphological outcomes during embryogenesis and regeneration. Planarian flatworms are a popular system for exploring body plan patterning due to their regenerative capacity, but despite considerable molecular information regarding stem cell differentiation and basic axial patterning, very little is known about how distinct head shapes are produced. Here, we show that after decapitation in G. dorotocephala, a transient perturbation of physiological connectivity among cells (using the gap junction blocker octanol) can result in regenerated heads with quite different shapes, stochastically matching other known species of planaria (S. mediterranea, D. japonica, and P. felina). We use morphometric analysis to quantify the ability of physiological network perturbations to induce different species-specific head shapes from the same genome. Moreover, we present a computational agent-based model of cell and physical dynamics during regeneration that quantitatively reproduces the observed shape changes. Morphological alterations induced in a genomically wild-type G. dorotocephala during regeneration include not only the shape of the head but also the morphology of the brain, the characteristic distribution of adult stem cells (neoblasts), and the bioelectric gradients of resting potential within the anterior tissues. Interestingly, the shape change is not permanent; after regeneration is complete, intact animals remodel back to G. dorotocephala-appropriate head shape within several weeks in a secondary phase of remodeling following initial complete regeneration. We present a conceptual model to guide future work to delineate the molecular mechanisms by which bioelectric networks stochastically select among a small set of discrete head morphologies. Taken together, these data and analyses shed light on important physiological modifiers of morphological information in dictating species-specific shape, and reveal them to be a novel instructive input into head patterning in regenerating planaria.
Characterization of varied head morphologies produced by octanol treatment. (A–D) Wild-type morphologies of four species of planaria flatworm. Arrows indicate auricle placement and general head shape; (E–H) pre-tail (PT) fragments of G. dorotocephala, treated in 8-OH for three days, and then moved into water for the remainder of regeneration (n > 243). Arrows indicate auricle placement and general head shape. Scale bar 0.5 mm; (I) Experimental scheme of octanol treatment. PT fragments are amputated from G. dorotocephala worms. Fragments are treated in octanol (8-OH) for three days, and allowed to regenerate in water for seven days