Speculative Species

In Speculative Evolution, we envisioned how species could be further developed to increase their resilience based on scientific publications on synthetic biology, genetic engineering and robotics, and formulated text prompts to create AI-generated images using DALL-E. As a result, each speculative species in the environment has a backstory rooted in real-life scenarios.

Red Flour Beetle
Red Flour Beetles
2022used as a model for large scale RNAi screening
Laboratory research by Klinger et al., 2022
2054genetically modified for large scale RNAi screening and color optimization research

Lineage of the 57 species from a total of 101

    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (5-1)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (5-1-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-1-1, Android 11, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (5-1-1-1)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-1-1-1Huawei BTK, Android 12, Surabaya, Indonesia (5-1-1-1-1)
            • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-1-1-1-1, Android 11, Malabon, Philippines (5-1-1-1-1-1)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-1-1-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-1-1-1-2)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (5-1-2)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-3, Android 11, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (5-1-3)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-1-3-1Samsung A035M, Android 13, Campana, Argentina (5-1-3-1)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (5-2)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (5-2-1)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-3Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (5-3)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (5-3-1)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-3-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-3-2)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-3-2-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-3-2-1)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-3-3Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-3-3)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-3-4Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-3-4)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-3-5Samsung G986U1, Android 13, Monterrey, Mexico (5-3-5)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-4Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (5-4)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-4-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-4-1)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-4-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-4-2)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-49Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (5-49)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-49-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (5-49-1)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (5-6)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-6-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-6-1-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-6-1-2)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-2-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-6-1-2-1)
            • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-2-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-6-1-2-1-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-3Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (5-6-1-3)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-3-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (5-6-1-3-1)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-3-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-6-1-3-2)
            • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-3-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-6-1-3-2-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-4Samsung A035M, Android 13, Campana, Argentina (5-6-1-4)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-4-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-6-1-4-1)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-4-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-6-1-4-2)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-5Samsung A035M, Android 13, Campana, Argentina (5-6-1-5)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-6-1-5-1, Android 15, Montreal, Canada (5-6-1-5-1)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (5-7)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (5-7-1-1)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-2)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-2-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-2-2Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (5-7-2-2)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-2-3Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (5-7-2-3)
          • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-2-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-2-3-1)
            • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-2-3-1-1Samsung G986U1, Android 13, Monterrey, Mexico (5-7-2-3-1-1)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-2-4Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-2-4)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-3Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-3)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-3-1)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-4Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-4)
        • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-4-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-4-1)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-7-5Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-7-5)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-8Samsung A336M, Android 13, Santiago, Chile (5-8)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-8-1Samsung G986U1, Android 13, Monterrey, Mexico (5-8-1)
    • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-9Samsung S918B, Android 14, São Paulo, Brazil (5-9)
      • Red Flour Beetle, Species 5-9-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (5-9-1)

Metabolic novelty originating from horizontal gene transfer is essential for leaf beetle survival

Roy Kirsch, Yu Okamura, Wiebke Haeger, Heiko Vogel, Grit Kunert and Yannick Pauchet, 2022


Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) provides an evolutionary shortcut for recipient organisms to gain novel functions. Although reports of HGT in higher eukaryotes are rapidly accumulating, in most cases the evolutionary trajectory, metabolic integration, and ecological relevance of acquired genes remain unclear. Plant cell wall degradation by HGT-derived enzymes is widespread in herbivorous insect lineages. Pectin is an abundant polysaccharide in the walls of growing parts of plants. We investigated the significance of horizontally acquired pectin-digesting polygalacturonases (PGs) of the leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae. Using a CRISPR/Cas9-guided gene knockout approach, we generated a triple knockout and a quadruple PG-null mutant in order to investigate the enzymatic, biological, and ecological effects. We found that pectin-digestion 1) is exclusively linked to the horizontally acquired PGs from fungi, 2) became fixed in the host genome by gene duplication leading to functional redundancy, 3) compensates for nutrient-poor diet by making the nutritious cell contents more accessible, and 4) facilitates the beetles development and survival. Our analysis highlights the selective advantage PGs provide to herbivorous insects and demonstrate the impact of HGT on the evolutionary success of leaf-feeding beetles, major contributors to species diversity.
The mustard leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae and its endo-PGs targeted for CRISPR-mediated knockout. The exon-intron structure of the PG encoding genes GH28-1, GH28-5, GH28-9, and the newly discovered GH28-10 as well as a corresponding primary structure of a consensus GH28 protein are shown schematically. Target sites of guide RNAs are indicated with arrows and nucleotide deletions fixed in the two mutant lines (triple mutant: wild-type GH28-1, knockout GH28-5, GH28-9, and GH28-10; quadruple mutant: knockout GH28-1, GH28-5, GH28-9, and GH28-10) are shown. Conserved disulfide bridges as well as functionally important amino acid residues are highlighted in the GH28 protein using single letter code.