Speculative Species

In Speculative Evolution, we envisioned how species could be further developed to increase their resilience based on scientific publications on synthetic biology, genetic engineering and robotics, and formulated text prompts to create AI-generated images using DALL-E. As a result, each speculative species in the environment has a backstory rooted in real-life scenarios.

Dragonfly Robot
Dragonfly Robot
2022powered by dielectric elastomer actuators
Laboratory research by Chen et al., 2022

Lineage of the 46 species from a total of 70

    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (73-1)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (73-1-1)
        • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-1-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-1-1-1)
          • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-1-1-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (73-1-1-1-1)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-1-2Huawei JNY, Android 10, Johannesburg, South Africa (73-1-2)
    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3, Android 12, Palo Alto, United States (73-3)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (73-3-1)
        • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (73-3-1-1)
          • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1Samsung A415F, Android 12, Lyon, France (73-3-1-1-1)
            • Dragonfly RobotSamsung A415F, Android 12, Lyon, France (73-3-1-1-1)
              • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1Samsung T720, Android 11, Del Viso, Argentina (73-3-1-1-1-1-1)
                • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung T720, Android 11, Pilar, Argentina (73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                  • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung T720, Android 11, Pilar, Argentina (73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung T720, Android 11, Jose C. Paz, Argentina (73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Berlin, Germany (73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2)
                        • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1Samsung P613, Android 14, Jamestown, United States (73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1)
                    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (73-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2)
          • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-1-2, Android 12, , United States (73-3-1-1-2)
        • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-1-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Berlin, Germany (73-3-1-2)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-2Samsung S911B, Android 13, São Paulo, Brazil (73-3-2)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-3Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-3-3)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-3-4Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-3-4)
    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-4Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (73-4)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-4-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-4-1)
        • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-4-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-4-1-1)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-4-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-4-2)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-4-3Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-4-3)
    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-5Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (73-5)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-5-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-5-1)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-5-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (73-5-2)
    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-6Samsung G960F, Android 10, Stuttgart, Germany (73-6)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-6-1, Android 13, , Italy (73-6-1)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Android 13, , Italy (73-6-1)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-6-3Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-6-3)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-6-4Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-6-4)
        • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-6-4-1, Android 13, Phoenix, United States (73-6-4-1)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-6-5Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-6-5)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-6-6Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-6-6)
    • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-8Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (73-8)
      • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-8-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (73-8-1)
        • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-8-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (73-8-1-1)
          • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-8-1-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (73-8-1-1-1)
            • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-8-1-1-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (73-8-1-1-1-1)
          • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-8-1-1-2Samsung G986U1, Android 13, Monterrey, Mexico (73-8-1-1-2)
            • Dragonfly Robot, Species 73-8-1-1-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (73-8-1-1-2-1)

Design, Characterization, and Liftoff of an Insect-Scale Soft Robotic Dragonfly Powered by Dielectric Elastomer Actuators

Chen et al. Micromachines (2022), 13, 1136. doi:10.3390/mi13071136


Dragonflies are agile and efficient flyers that use two pairs of wings for demonstrating exquisite aerial maneuvers. Compared to two-winged insects such as bees or flies, dragonflies leverage forewing and hindwing interactions for achieving higher efficiency and net lift. Here we develop the first at-scale dragonfly-like robot and investigate the influence of flapping-wing kinematics on net lift force production. Our 317 mg robot is driven by two independent dielectric elastomer actuators that flap four wings at 350 Hz. We extract the robot flapping-wing kinematics using a high-speed camera, and further measure the robot lift forces at different operating frequencies, voltage amplitudes, and phases between the forewings and hindwings. Our robot achieves a maximum lift-to-weight ratio of 1.49, and its net lift force increases by 19% when the forewings and hindwings flap in-phase compared to out-of-phase flapping. These at-scale experiments demonstrate that forewing–hindwing interaction can significantly influence lift force production and aerodynamic efficiency of flapping-wing robots with passive wing pitch designs. Our results could further enable future experiments to achieve feedback-controlled flights.
Keywords: biologically inspired robot; soft robot; dielectric elastomer actuator; flapping-wing; micro-aerial-vehicle
Illustration of insect-scale flapping-wing robots.
  1. An image showing three insect-scale flapping-wing robots powered by DEAs. In this work, we design and characterize a 317 mg dragonfly-like (left) flapping-wing robot and investigate forewing–hindwing interactions.
  2. The robot consists of two DEAs, four wings, an airframe, and four sets of transmissions and wing hinges.
Design of an at-scale soft robotic dragonfly.
  1. Perspective view of the 317 mg robot. The robot has two DEAs and each independently drives a pair of wings.
  2. A DEA extends or contracts in response to a high-voltage driving signal. The two ends of the DEA connect to linear four-bar transmissions, which converts the DEA’s translational motion into the rotational wing stroke motion. (b) corresponds to the red inset shown in (a).
  3. The DEA directly controls the wing stroke motion (𝜙 ), and the wing pitch rotation (𝜓) is passively mediated by a compliant wing hinge. (c) corresponds to the green inset shown in (b).
  4. The two DEAs can be actuated independently. The two high-speed camera images show experiments in which either the forewings (left) or the hindwings (right) are turned on.
Experimental setup for measuring the robot flapping kinematics and mean lift force.
  1. Setup of a static flapping-wing experiment. A backlight illuminates the robot, and the flapping-wing motion is captured by a high-speed camera at 22,000 fps.
  2. sample image that is captured by the high-speed camera when the robot operates at 350 Hz.
  3. Setup of robot liftoff experiments. The red inset shows a robot is installed on the liftoff test stand.
  4. A sample image that is captured by the high-speed camera during robot liftoff.