Mobile App as Interface for Interactive Installations
With this 360° New Media Art Mobile VR App Time to Nest Time to Migrate you fly through your own inner world. What happens in there? Bacteria, cells, fungi, parasites, phages, protists, prions, viruses communicate. Do they determine what we are? Not scientific, but rather fake scientific, philosophical and emergency poetically. (We know that we know nothing, we know). A little dance of life and death. The project evokes a sense of wonder, enchantment, entanglement and admiration for the unknown in our body and its microscopic world. The images, texts and spoken words come from microbiological research, mainly from universities, and transform it into an interactive poetic dance.
Mobile App
Using a mobile phone or tablet, you can explore an immersive virtual world through the lens of microscopic life in an unpredictable and ever-evolving 3D environment. You can navigate endlessly through dynamic, life spawned bacteria, cells, fungi, parasites, phages, protists, prions, and viruses. They speak to you and move constantly and uncontrollably. Click on them to additionally set them in motion. The virtual environment is endless and can be navigated interactive in every direction. The sonic sound experiences are specially composed for the app and responds to all these movements and navigation modes.
In the exhibition space, the display of the mobile app can be projected onto one or more walls.
Marc Lee in collaboration with Birgit Kempker and Shervin Saremi (Sound)
Birgit Kempker is Swiss based poet. Research in the fields: word, image, sound. space, idea, concept and consciousness. Writes for art in art as art. Thinking drawings. Drawing words. Prose, essay, song, sound, radio plays. poetry, radio, collaborations, sphinx. mountains of MEANING as such. Teaching at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Basel (FHNW).
Shervin Saremi is an Iranian musician and audio-engineer, working in fields such as sonic computing, procedural sound design, and production. He has studied Electronic Production and Design at Berklee College of Music and is pursuing his research on immersive audio at Berlin University of the Arts (UdK).