Kunstraum LLC, Brooklyn New York, USA
Kuratiert von: Fernando Schrupp
Künstler*innen: Aram Bartholl, Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion, Ursula Damm, Eteam, Nathaniel Faulkner, Esther Hunziker, Eduardo Kac, Marc Lee, Claudia Maté, Jennifer & Kevin McCoy, Robert Myers, Andrew Nunes, Nicholas O'Brien, Alexander Reben, Daniel Temkin, Ubermorgen and Michel Winterberg
24.09.2017 - 29.10.2017

Political Campaigns - Battle of Opinion on Social Media

Kunstraum LLC, Brooklyn New-York

Political Campaigns - Battle of Opinion on Social Media @Kunstraum LLC, New-York

Demo Day

The title of the exhibition is a reference to Y Combinator’s biannual event where a few chosen startups pitch their ideas to the most relevant VC's (Venture Capitalist) of Silicon Valley. Lately, we seem to be submerged in the media bubble of the tech ecosystem, and tech-industry lingoes, such as growth hacking, pivot, and unicorn have become common language. We voraciously read stories about Elon Musk or Travis Kalanick, assigning them roles as heroes or villains, depending on the beat of the season.

“Demo Day” is intended as a platform for artists whose ideas are worth “pitching” in a time of rise-of-the-machine hysteria. Silicon Valley has captured our imagination, and its intention is to highjack culture. They tell us a story of code-generated disruptions improving our lives, but mostly, changing the ways we consume things. Their ultimate goal is leading the consumer into the trap of easier access to consumption. Artists are here to remind us that this story, although generally accepted, is not what history has taught us. The exponential function shaping hockey-stick-growth (graphic description of accelerating growth) is no match to the rate of creativity in which artists defy our preconceived notions of the world.

After all, the most deliberate ways that language can be repurposed, playfully re-designed as part of a metaphorical understanding used for the tech game, has its root in contemporary art and how the artists developed an understanding for meta-language as part of our vocabulary. These gestures spin back, derive and refer to pioneer works of contemporary art– rather than quoting them, the exhibition intends to display works of art that build on the conceptual approach to the digital world and tech culture.


TV Bot - World News as Soon as It Happens!

Netzbasiertes Fernsehprogramm, Netzkunst

Das Netzkunstprojekt TV Bot ist ein Internetnachrichtensender, der ausschliesslich aktuelle Berichte, niemals älter als eine Stunde, aus den Nachrichtenflüssen des Internets schöpft und in einem Format für Internetbrowser unter der URL ( sendet. Der Prozess ist automatisiert: Hinter der Auswahl an Inhalten, die in scheinbar beliebiger Abfolge in Form von Live-TV-Streams mehr …

Political Campaigns - Battle of Opinion on Social Media

Interaktive netzbasierte TV-Show

Politische Kampagnen - Meinungskampf in den sozialen Medien In politischen Kampagnen auf der ganzen Welt haben sich in den vergangenen Monaten die Anhänger gegnerischer Parteien in den sozialen Netzwerken heftigste Bildgefechte geliefert. Auch Wahlen sind längst nicht mehr auf der Straße oder in den traditionellen Medien zu gewinnen - soziale Netzwerke sind zum digitalen Marktplatz für politische mehr …