Zenith Media Lounge, New Museum, New YorkKuratiert von: Jenny Marketou, Steve Dietz, Anne Barlow
Künstler*innen: Cue P. Doll, Harun Farocki, Knowbotic Research, LAN, r a d i o q u a l i a, RSG, Superflex, Surveillance Camera Players, Tenantspin, Josh On

New Museum, New York

New Museum, New York
NEW YORK.- The New Museum of Contemporary Art presents Open_Source_Art_Hack, a group exhibition that explores hacking practices, open source ethics, and cultural production, from May 3 - June 30, 2002 in the Zenith Media Lounge. The exhibition and related public programs will include a performance and walking tours by the Surveillance Camera Players; an installation by Knowbotic Research; a Free Radio Linux broadcast by r a d i o q u a l i a; a databody cloning project by LAN; a DVD by Harun Farocki; an anti-war game by futurefarmers’ Josh On; a packet-sniffing application by RSG; an "ad-busting" project by Cue P. Doll; and a streaming media workshop with Superflex and Tenantspin.
Open_Source_Art_Hack features artists and collectives who explore the free access to, and distribution of, software code known as Open Source. In addition to a shared culture, the artists in this show use common tools-such as search engines, web browsers, identification systems, sound interfaces, and Internet protocols-that enable their work to be distributed, and, in some cases, adapted by other users.
Though hacking has many, mostly negative, connotations in mainstream culture, the artists in Open_Source_Art_Hack approach hacking as a creative electronic tool to examine institutional, governmental, and corporate influence on identity and privacy in contemporary culture.
Open_Source_Art_Hack was organized by Steve Dietz, Curator of New Media, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and Jenny Marketou, a New York-based new media artist, in collaboration with Anne Barlow, Curator of Education and Media Programs, New Museum of Contemporary Art.
Tracenoizer - Disinformation on Demand
Online ProjektTraceNoizer – Disinformation on Demand lenkt das Augenmerk auf Fragen der elektronischen Überwachung im Internet und bietet als Dienstleistung eine Strategie an, um dem entgegenzuwirken. Im Internet findet man Informationen über die meisten Menschen. Wir nennen das den Datenkörper. Häufig kann man diese Information nicht löschen. Um die Daten zu schützen, muss man sie daher systematisch mehr …

New Museum, New York

Transmediale, Berlin

New Museum, New York