CO Berlin Foundation, Berlin, Deutschland
Kuratiert von: Kathrin Schönegg
Künstler*innen: ABC Artists' Books Cooperative, Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin mit Der Greif, David Campany & Anastasia Samoylova, Fredi Casco, Moyra Davey, Themistokles von Eckenbrecher, Martin Fengel & Jörg Koopmann, Stuart Franklin, Gilbert & George, Dieter Hacker, Tomas van Houtryve, Philippe Kahn, On Kawara, Erik Kessels, Marc Lee, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Mike Mandel, Theresa Martinat, Eva & Franco Mattes, Jonas Meyer & Christin Müller, Peter Miller, Romain Roucoules, Thomas Ruff, Taryn Simon & Aaron Swartz, Andreas Slominski, Clare Strand, Corinne Vionnet
27.03.2021 - 02.09.2021


Medienkunst reflektiert die Coronavirus-Pandemie, 24/7 online

Interaktive netzbasierte Installation

Corona TV Bot Der Corona TV Bot thematisiert und reflektiert die Coronavirus-Pandemie anhand Social-Media-Beiträgen. Zu Hashtags wie Coronavirus und COVID-19 werden aktuelle Twitter- und YouTube-Meldungen zu einer wilden TV-Show verwoben, die rund um die Uhr online ist. Bilder, Tweets und Videos flimmern in diesem Netzkunstprojekt in Echtzeit über den Bildschirm. Zeitbasierte Ressourcen, die mehr …


Rubber duck meme as book cover


Steidl GmbH & Co. OHG (Verlag)
Buch, color, 328 pages, 17 x 27 cm
English, German
by Felix Hoffmann und Kathrin Schönegg, CO Berlin Foundation, Berlin, Germany
ISBN 978-3-95829-962-7

Photography has always been a social medium shared with others. But why do we communicate with each other using images? And how do the virtual essences that are photographs change our societies? Featuring works by Moyra Davey, Gilbert & George, Theresa Martinat, Thomas Ruff and Clare Strand, among others, Send me an Image. From Postcards to Social Media explores the development of photography from a means of communication in the nineteenth century to its current digital representation online. Its focus lies on the dialogue between traveling images throughout photography’s 150-year history and contemporary artists beginning in the 1970s who work with both traditional and modern photographic techniques, uses and modes of dissemination.

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