Salle del Castillo

Festival IMAGES, Vevey, Schweiz
Kuratiert von: Stefano Stoll, Raphaël Biollay
Künstler*innen: ECAL/Florian Amoser, Ludovic Balland, Beni Bischof, Terry Brown & Gordon Stettinius, Renate Buser, Edoardo Delille, Cristina de Middel, Stephen Gill, Michel Huneault, Graciela Iturbide, ECAL/Marvin Leuvray, Matt Lipps, Chema Madoz, Guido Mocafico, Asako Narahashi, Christiane Nill & Lionel Henriod, Martin Parr, Pierre et Gilles, Simon Roberts, Darren Roshier, Joachim Schmid, Ekaterina Shelganova, Laurie Simmons, Berndnaut Smilde, Summit Foundation, Matjaz Tancic, Sylvie Théraulaz, Valerio Vincenzo, Xu Yong, Geta Bratescu, James Casebere, Centre dˈenseignement professionnel, Walter Chandoha, Mat Collishaw, Susan Dobson, Pascal Dufaux, Simon Faithfull, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Christian Jankowsky, Thomas Kaufhold & Michael Lapuks, Marc Lee, Lei Lei & Thomas Sauvin, Zilla Leuteneger, Christian Lutz, Guido Mocafico, Martin Parr, Philippe Saire, Michael Schirner, Philipp Schmitt, Alec Soth, Corinne Vionnet, Stéphane Winter, Cee-Roo, Yann Gross, Cyril Hatt, OK Go, PhotoJukeBox, Christian Patterson, Laia Abril, Laurence Aëgerter, Jojakim Cortis & Adrian Sondeger, Anush Hamzehian & Vittorio Mortarotti, WaltrautTaenzler, Thomas Adank, Sébastien Agnetti, Davide Bramante, Emilien Colin & Ruedi Flück, Maude FatBear, Valentin Faure & Hector Fassa, David Gagnebin-de Bons, Michael Hoch & Kathy Kissik & Chris Henschke, Short Cuts, Visarte Vaud, Vitrˈin Vevey, JiVé.

Pic-me - fly to the locations where users send posts - Festival IMAGES Vevey

Festival IMAGES, Vevey

Pic-me - fly to the locations where users send posts - Festival IMAGES Vevey

Festival IMAGES, Vevey

About Festival Images
From September 10 to October 2, 2016, Festival Images Vevey has once again transformed the little town of Vevey into the Swiss capital of photography. Visitors got to discover 75 projects based on the theme of ‘immersion’: large-scale outdoor exhibitions on façades, on the lake and in parks, indoor exhibitions in unusual venues, and joint ventures with people who ensure Vevey’s status as a ‘city of images’ all year round. Entirely free of charge, Festival Images is a true open-air museum as well as a quality platform for national and international artists. Held every two years for a period of three weeks, it enables tens of thousands of visitors to discover the best in contemporary photography. The next edition will be held in 2018, from September 8 to 30.

Using geo-tracking, this online artistic project pinpoints in real time the exact position of posts published on Instagram with the hashtag #me, which the artist then situates precisely on the world map thanks to Google Earth. On the website, anyone can do a search and follow a thread of posts according to a hashtag, the name of a place or a specific user profile. After a few minutes, what first looked like a pleasant virtual stroll around the world turns into an act of violation of the private lives of hundreds of millions of users worldwide. The artist sends us back to our own digital identity, our virtual ego, while making us aware of the traces we unwittingly leave on the web.

Venue: Salle del Castillo


Pic-Me - Fly to the Locations Where Users Send Posts

Online-Projekt für interaktive Medienkunst-Installationen

Mit Pic-Me kann man virtuell an die Orte fliegen, von denen aus die BenutzerInnen zufällig ausgewählte Posts auf Instagram senden. Diese werden auf Google Earth genau an dem Ort kartiert, an dem sie fotografiert wurden. Man könnte diese Posts - Bilder oder kurze Videos, die mit Kommentaren und Tags versehen sind - als digitalen Smalltalk oder persönliches Gespräch bezeichnen. Im Gegensatz mehr …


Black book cover white lines pointing out from middle

Festival Images, Vevey

Buch soft cover, 336 pages
Stefano Stoll, Raphaël Biollay


mehr …