56kTV - bastard channel magazin

56kTV - Bastard Channel
Pro Helvetia and Xcult project56kTV MAGAZIN ONLINE
Deutsch, English, Français, 日本の
Reinhard Storz
56kTV - bastard channel has its own programme Magazin. International authors from the worlds of the film, art and the media sciences comment on the TV project and the individual programmes, thus enriching the audio-visual online offer by a print & read version. We are investing in a good visual concept and leaving the print-on-demand to our public, since the TV Magazins can be printed on every home printer.
bastard channel is a cross between a television and a web project, a platform in the Internet that tells the story of itself as a television channel. The channel works with the lowtech and financial means of network art and has collaborators on three continents. Its programme can be received all over the world.
On 18 November 2004, bastard channel has been celebrating its start with six programmes within the framework of the Viper Media Festival in the Basel Kunsthalle. By the winter of 2005, seven new programmes will have been added. The participants are artists from Bangalore, Basel, Berlin, Geneva, Los Angeles, Mexico, Paris, Seoul, Tokyo and Zurich, as well as collaborating text writers, translators, programmers and graphic artists.
It will not be possible to receive all the bastard channel programmes at all times, for our online project operates according to the television programme structure. Trailers will provide information about the times of day and night when you will be able to receive the next programmes in your part of the world. Whereas the terrestrial television stations are working on making it possible for programmes to be broadcast online independently of times and dates, bastard channel is set on limiting consumption: we do not want our programme to be available all the time, and we take the opportunity of wagging a cautionary medial forefinger at the "zap & surf attitude".
bastard channel is intended to reflect the web as a time medium. This is a cross between the babbling TV promises and the hesitant web response of a 56k modem. Some of our programmes are run like films, animating the screen at a breakneck pace, others step intentionally on the brake, tempting and frustrating at one and the same time. Still others bring streams of data onto the screen or make interaction offers where the public can spend 30 minutes or 30 seconds. At bastard channel, even the TV test pictures are interactive, and viewers receive personal answers to existential problems from the Television Sphinx - without, however, knowing whether they will receive a written or spoken answer from the Sphinx herself or her intelligent robot within two to three days.
56kTV - bastard channel has its own programme Magazin. International authors from the worlds of the film, art and the media sciences comment on the TV project and the individual programmes, thus enriching the audio-visual online offer by a print & read version. We are investing in a good visual concept and leaving the print-on-demand to our public, since the TV Magazins can be printed on every home printer.
Texts of 2nd Issue
Reinhard Storz, Basel
Editorial / All programs on 56kTV. abridged version
Claus Pias, Berlin
Monica Studer / Christoph van den Berg, Basel. TRAVELOGUE
Tsutomu Okada, Tokyo:
exonemo, Tokyo. ‘ZZZZZZZZapp?’ a Detuner for 56kTv
Inke Arns, Dortmund:
Marc Lee, Zürich. TV-BOT
Guido Graf, Jarlingen:
Birgit Kempker, Basel. SPHINX
Max Bruinsma, Amsterdam:
Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Seoul. VIEW AND PLAN OF SEOUL
Martin Krusche, Gleisdorf:
Nathalie Novarina / Marcel Croubalian, Genf. NEWS FROM THE DEAD
ibro fooman hasanovic, Sarajevo:
Jimpunk. AcidMissile
Eveline Suter, Zürich:
Fran Ilich, Telenouvelle Vague
TV Bot - World News as Soon as It Happens!
Netzbasiertes Fernsehprogramm, Netzkunst
TV Bot 3.0 (2016)

HEK, Basel

CEAAC, Strasbourg