Cultures of Participation: Arts, Digital Media and Cultural Institutions, Buch

Cultures of Participation: Arts, Digital Media and Cultural Institutions
Taylor & Francis Group (London, UK)Buch, color, 250 pages, 15 x 30 cm
Birgit Eriksson, Carsten Stage, Bjarki Valtysson
ISBN 0367218380, 978-0367218386
Extract: Towards a participatory mode of overlapping realities (PDF)
This book examines cultural participation from three different, but interrelated perspectives: participatory art and aesthetics; participatory digital media, and participatory cultural policies and institutions.
Focusing on how ideals and practices relating to cultural participation express and (re)produce different "cultures of participation", an interdisciplinary team of authors demonstrate how the areas of arts, digital media, and cultural policy and institutions are shaped by different but interrelated contextual backgrounds. Chapters offer a variety of perspectives and strategies for empirically identifying "cultures of participation" and their current transformations and tensions in various regional and national settings.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction: Cultures of participation
Birgit Eriksson, Carsten Stage and Bjarki Valtysson
Part I: Participatory art and aesthetics
Chapter Two: Performance, public (re) assembly, and civic re-enactment
Shannon Jackson
Chapter Three: Autonomy and collectivity at the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale in Japan
Gunhild Borggreen and Anemone Platz
Chapter Four: Cross-cultural collaboration: Modes of participation for co-creation of the urban public space
Minna Valjakka
Chapter Five: Art and local communities: Inclusion, interests and ownership in participatory art projects with embroiderers and billiard players
Birgit Eriksson
Part II: Digital media and technology
Chapter Six: VR – the culture of (non)participation? Reframing the participative edge of virtual reality
Anna Nacher
Chapter Seven: Photo-sharing as participatory surveillance
Clare Southerton, Maja Sonne Damkjær and Anders Albrechtslund
Chapter Eight: Medialities of participation in sound art
Vadim Keylin
Chapter Nine: The participatory patient: Exploring the platformed multivalence and public value of cancer storytelling on social media
Carsten Stage
Part III: Cultural policy and institutions
Chapter Ten: The "problem" of participation in cultural policy
Leila Jancovich and David Stevenson
Chapter Eleven: Public participation and agency in art museums
Emilie Sitzia
Chapter Twelve: Re-ordering and re-performing: Re-placing cultural participation and re-viewing well-being measures
Susan Oman
Chapter Thirteen: Diving into the archive: Google Cultural Institute & the cultural politics of participation
Bjarki Valtysson
10.000 Moving Cities - Same but Different, VR (Virtual Reality)
Interaktive Netz- und Telepräsenz-Basierte Installation


HEK, Basel