Spekulative Arten

Bei Speculative Evolution haben wir ausgehend von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen über synthetische Biologie, Gentechnik und Robotik überlegt, wie Arten weiterentwickelt werden könnten, um ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit zu erhöhen. Daraufhin haben wir Textanweisungen formuliert, um mit DALL-E KI-generierte Bilder zu erstellen. Jede spekulative Art in der Simulation hat so eine Hintergrundgeschichte, die in realen Szenarien verwurzelt ist.

2021genetically modified varieties represent 30 % of the maize grown worldwide
International trade by Yassitepe et al., 2021

Stammbaum der 62 Arten von insgesamt 76

    • Maize, Art 50-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (50-1)
      • Maize, Art 50-1-1, Android 11, Alor Star, Malaysia (50-1-1)
    • Maize, Art 50-14Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (50-14)
      • Maize, Art 50-14-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (50-14-1)
        • Maize, Art 50-14-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (50-14-1-1)
    • Maize, Art 50-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (50-2)
      • Maize, Art 50-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (50-2-1)
        • Maize, Art 50-2-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (50-2-1-1)
    • Maize, Art 50-3Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (50-3)
      • Maize, Art 50-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (50-3-1)
        • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1, Android 12, Palo Alto, United States (50-3-1-1)
          • Maize, Android 12, Palo Alto, United States (50-3-1-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1Samsung T720, Android 11, Pilar, Argentina (50-3-1-1-1-1)
              • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1Samsung T720, Android 11, Pilar, Argentina (50-3-1-1-1-1-1)
                • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung T720, Android 11, Jose C. Paz, Argentina (50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                  • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung A127F, Android 13, Imsida, Malta (50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                    • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung A125F, Android 12, , Spain (50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                      • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, Android 13, Passo Fundo, Brazil (50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                        • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                          • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Samsung A127F, Android 13, Naaldwijk, The Netherlands (50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
                        • Maize, Art 50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2Samsung G986U1, Android 13, Monterrey, Mexico (50-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2)
        • Maize, Art 50-3-1-2, Android 12, Mar del Plata, Argentina (50-3-1-2)
          • Maize, Art 50-3-1-2-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-3-1-2-1)
      • Maize, Art 50-3-2, Android 10, Lagos, Nigeria (50-3-2)
        • Maize, Art 50-3-2-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (50-3-2-1)
          • Maize, Art 50-3-2-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (50-3-2-1-1)
      • Maize, Art 50-3-3Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-3-3)
    • Maize, Art 50-4Samsung A515F, Android 10, Las Pinas, Philippines (50-4)
      • Maize, Art 50-4-1, Android 14, Wittmund, Germany (50-4-1)
      • Maize, Art 50-4-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Berlin, Germany (50-4-2)
        • Maize, Art 50-4-2-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-4-2-1)
          • Maize, Art 50-4-2-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-4-2-1-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-4-2-1-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-4-2-1-1-1)
              • Maize, Art 50-4-2-1-1-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-4-2-1-1-1-1)
                • Maize, Art 50-4-2-1-1-1-1-1Samsung G975F, Android 12, Leipzig, Germany (50-4-2-1-1-1-1-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-4-2-1-1-2Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (50-4-2-1-1-2)
    • Maize, Art 50-7Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-7)
      • Maize, Art 50-7-1Samsung S911B, Android 13, São Paulo, Brazil (50-7-1)
        • Maize, Art 50-7-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-7-1-1)
          • Maize, Art 50-7-1-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-1-1-1)
        • Maize, Art 50-7-1-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-7-1-2)
          • Maize, Art 50-7-1-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-1-2-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-7-1-2-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-1-2-1-1)
      • Maize, Art 50-7-2Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-7-2)
        • Maize, Art 50-7-2-1, Android 14, San Francisco, Argentina (50-7-2-1)
          • Maize, Art 50-7-2-1-1, Android 13, Bourbonnais, United States (50-7-2-1-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-7-2-1-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-2-1-1-1)
        • Maize, Art 50-7-2-2Samsung G975F, Android 12, Leipzig, Germany (50-7-2-2)
        • Maize, Art 50-7-2-3Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-2-3)
          • Maize, Art 50-7-2-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-2-3-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-7-2-3-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-2-3-1-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-7-2-3-1-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-2-3-1-2)
        • Maize, Art 50-7-2-4Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-2-4)
        • Maize, Art 50-7-2-5Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-7-2-5)
          • Maize, Art 50-7-2-5-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (50-7-2-5-1)
            • Maize, Art 50-7-2-5-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (50-7-2-5-1-1)
              • Maize, Art 50-7-2-5-1-1-1Samsung A055M, Android 14, Buenos Aires, Argentina (50-7-2-5-1-1-1)
    • Maize, Art 50-8Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (50-8)
      • Maize, Art 50-8-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-8-1)
    • Maize, Art 50-9Samsung S918B, Android 14, São Paulo, Brazil (50-9)
      • Maize, Art 50-9-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (50-9-1)
      • Maize, Art 50-9-2Samsung G986U1, Android 13, Monterrey, Mexico (50-9-2)

Maize Transformation: From Plant Material to the Release of Genetically Modified and Edited Varieties

Yassitepe JECT, da Silva VCH, Hernandes-Lopes J, Dante RA, Gerhardt IR, Fernandes FR, da Silva PA, Vieira LR, Bonatti V, Arruda P. Front Plant Sci. 2021 Oct 14;12:766702. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.766702. PMID: 34721493; PMCID: PMC8553389.


Over the past decades, advances in plant biotechnology have allowed the development of genetically modified maize varieties that have significantly impacted agricultural management and improved the grain yield worldwide. To date, genetically modified varieties represent 30% of the world's maize cultivated area and incorporate traits such as herbicide, insect and disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, high yield, and improved nutritional quality. Maize transformation, which is a prerequisite for genetically modified maize development, is no longer a major bottleneck. Protocols using morphogenic regulators have evolved significantly towards increasing transformation frequency and genotype independence. Emerging technologies using either stable or transient expression and tissue culture-independent methods, such as direct genome editing using RNA-guided endonuclease system as an in vivo desired-target mutator, simultaneous double haploid production and editing/haploid-inducer-mediated genome editing, and pollen transformation, are expected to lead significant progress in maize biotechnology. This review summarises the significant advances in maize transformation protocols, technologies, and applications and discusses the current status, including a pipeline for trait development and regulatory issues related to current and future genetically modified and genetically edited maize varieties.
Standard protocol for B104 maize transformation.
  1. Growth of donor plants for immature embryo production under greenhouse-controlled conditions.
  2. Ears are harvested 10–16 d after pollination.
  3. The immature zygotic embryo reaches the ideal size of 1.2–2mm.
  4. Isolated immature embryos in co-cultivation.
  5. Immature embryo transiently expressing the gus reporter gene.
  6. Embryos in resting media seven days after Agrobacterium infection.
  7. Calli induction on selection I medium.
  8. Compact type I callus in selection II medium.
  9. Regeneration of transformed plants.
  10. Regeneration of transformed plants.
  11. Transformed plantlets with roots and shoots are grown in the penumbra room.
  12. T0 transgenic individuals rooted in the soil in an acclimation room.
  13. T0 plants grown at the greenhouse.
  14. Flowering and pollination of T0 plants at the greenhouse.
  15. Harvesting of T1 seeds. The complete process, from infection to T1 seed production, takes approximately 6–8months. The images are not to scale.
Schematic representation of the morphogenic regulator-mediated maize transformation (MRMT).
  1. Comparison between standard transformation (top) and MRMT (bottom) protocols. Tissue culture phases are indicated by different colours. By skipping the callus culture step, MRMT shortens the time needed for in vitro tissue culture. Note that although not specified, a selective agent is used in the MRMT culture media to allow regeneration of transformed embryos only.
  2. Schematic representation of generic T-DNA present in MRMT-based vectors. In addition to the genetic payload of interest, T-DNA harbours morphogenic regulators (MRs) and a recombinase (CRE). Upon a given stimulus, CRE excises the MRs from the construct. The time period and culture media are based in Coussens et al. (2012) and Raji et al. (2018) for the standard protocol and in Masters et al. (2020) for the MRMT protocol.
Schematic representation of the desired-target mutator (DTM) maize transformation.
  1. The CRISPR-Cas cassette can be transformed into a nonrecalcitrant inbred line for trans editing in an elite recalcitrant inbred line.
  2. Pollen carrying a CRISPR-Cas cassette designed to target gene(s) of interest was used to pollinate the elite maize line.
  3. The target gene is directly edited via trans-acting CRISPR-Cas.
  4. The delivery of RNP, which is expressed by the sperm cell, directly into the egg cell of the elite line (gametophytic expression) or expression of RNP in the zygote after gamete fusion (zygotic expression) generates a hybrid edited embryo.
  5. After trans editing, subsequent crossings are needed to obtain CRISPR-Cas-free plants with the original receptor genetic background and homozygous to the desired mutation. The schematic illustration view in (D) was adapted from Jacquier et al. (2020).