Spekulative Arten

Bei Speculative Evolution haben wir ausgehend von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen über synthetische Biologie, Gentechnik und Robotik überlegt, wie Arten weiterentwickelt werden könnten, um ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit zu erhöhen. Daraufhin haben wir Textanweisungen formuliert, um mit DALL-E KI-generierte Bilder zu erstellen. Jede spekulative Art in der Simulation hat so eine Hintergrundgeschichte, die in realen Szenarien verwurzelt ist.

Micro Robot
Micro Robot
2020electromagnetically driven with flapping wings
Laboratory research by Wang et al., 2020

Stammbaum der 30 Arten von insgesamt 45

    • Micro Robot, Art 58-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (58-1)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (58-1-1)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2, Android 13, Maceió, Brazil (58-1-2)
        • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (58-1-2-1)
        • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2-2, Android 11, Guapimirim, Brazil (58-1-2-2)
          • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2-2-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (58-1-2-2-1)
            • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2-2-1-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (58-1-2-2-1-1)
              • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2-2-1-1-1Samsung A057M, Android 14, São Paulo, Brazil (58-1-2-2-1-1-1)
                • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2-2-1-1-1-1Samsung G975F, Android 12, Leipzig, Germany (58-1-2-2-1-1-1-1)
          • Micro Robot, Art 58-1-2-2-2Samsung G986U1, Android 13, Monterrey, Mexico (58-1-2-2-2)
    • Micro Robot, Art 58-10Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (58-10)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-10-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (58-10-1)
    • Micro Robot, Art 58-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Zurich, Switzerland (58-2)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-2-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (58-2-1)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-2-2Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (58-2-2)
        • Micro Robot, Art 58-2-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (58-2-2-1)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-2-3Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (58-2-3)
    • Micro Robot, Art 58-3Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (58-3)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-3-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Stuttgart, Germany (58-3-1)
    • Micro Robot, Art 58-5Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (58-5)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-1Samsung G950F, Android 9, São Paulo, Brazil (58-5-1)
        • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-1-1Samsung A356E, Android 14, Santiago, Chile (58-5-1-1)
          • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-1-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (58-5-1-1-1)
            • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-1-1-1-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (58-5-1-1-1-1)
              • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-1-1-1-1-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (58-5-1-1-1-1-1)
          • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-1-1-2Samsung G955U, Android 9, Xi'an, China (58-5-1-1-2)
            • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-1-1-2-1Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (58-5-1-1-2-1)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-5-2Samsung G955F, Android 9, Lucerne, Switzerland (58-5-2)
    • Micro Robot, Art 58-6Samsung G955U, Android 9, , China (58-6)
      • Micro Robot, Art 58-6-1Samsung G955U, Android 9, Basel, Switzerland (58-6-1)

A Sub-100 mg Electromagnetically Driven Insect-inspired Flapping-wing Micro Robot Capable of Liftoff and Control Torques Modulation

Wang et al. (2020), 17 (6): 1085-1095, doi:10.1007/s42235-020-0103-7


Inspired by the unique, agile and efficient flapping flight of insects, we present a novel sub-100 mg, electromagnetically driven, tailless, flapping-wing micro robot. This robot utilizes two optimized electromagnetic actuators placed back to back to drive two wings separately, then kinematics of each wing can be independently controlled, which gives the robot the ability to generate all three control torques of pitch, roll and yaw for steering. To quantify the performance of the robot, a simplified aerodynamic model is used to estimate the generated lift and torques, and two customized test platforms for lift and torque measurement are built for this robot. The mean lift generated by the robot is measured to be proportional to the square of the input voltage amplitude. The three control torques are measured to be respectively proportional to three decoupled parameters of the control voltages, therefore the modulation of three control torques for the robot is independent, which is helpful for the further controlled flight. All these measured results fit well with the calculated results of the aerodynamic model. Furthermore, with a total weight of 96 mg and a wingspan of 3.5 cm, this robot can generate sufficient lift to take off.
Keywords: insect-inspired; insect-scale; micro robot; FMAV; electromagnetic actuation
(a) CAD model of the insect-inspired flapping-wing micro robot and (b) a prototype insect-inspired flapping-wing micro robot contrasted with a coin.