Interactive Net- and Telepresence-Based Installation
10.000 Moving Cities – Same but Different deals with urbanization and globalization in the digital age. The user moves through visual worlds posted publicly by others on social networks such as YouTube, Flickr or Twitter. Here these personal impressions are streamed in real time like windows to our changing world. The viewer participates in the social movements of our time and makes a virtual journey into constantly new image and sound collages in which one experiences local, cultural and linguistic differences and similarities. In virtual space, this information is visualized on cubes that rise at different heights to become a kind of skyline. The work deals with how our cities are continuously changing and increasingly resemble one. This results in more and more non-places/places of lost places in the sense of Marc Augé’s book and essay Non-Places, which could exist all over the world without any true local identity (mostly anonymous transition zones such as motorways, hotel rooms or airports).
The work is the digitized version and further development of 10.000 Moving Cities, which was exhibited at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul (2013/2014) with real cubes.
Text: Tina Sauerländer
10.000 Moving Cities – Same but Different, VR (Version 2), for HTC Vive
2016/2017 (Version 4)
Space: 6 x 6 x 3m (WDH)
HTC Vive Data Google, two tracking sensors
How it works
Using an HTC Vive Data Google suspended from the ceiling, the user can walk around a 6x6m space. People standing outside the installation can also see the user’s perspective in a projection. A 5.1 sound system transmits the sound into the exhibition space. Two sensors localise the user’s position and transmit it to the Unreal rendering engine, which teleports the user to the cities of their choice. The interface of 10.000 Moving Cities – Same but Different is controlled solely by moving one’s head, focusing on a target city on a world map. For a selected city, posts from social networks are searched in real time and audio visualised in an abstract urban environment.
Marc Lee in collaboration with the Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems Laboratoy (ISAS) and the ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. The telepresence system used is a result of the interdisciplinary project e-Installation for the virtualization of media art.
10.000 Moving Cities – Same but Different, VR (Version 1), for Oculus Rift
2015/2016 (Version 3)
Space: 5 x 5 x 4m (WDH)
Oculus Rift Data Google, 4 Kinect-Sensors